Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"Slap Yo Momma Gravy"

OK, here is a simple quick easy way to make real gravy. This gravy is so good it will make you want to slap your Momma, thus the title "Slap Yo Momma Gravy". Once again, you must stay with the gravy from start to finish. It only takes about 10 minutes or less. You will be using the High setting on your stovetop burner. Cast iron is always best, but any type frying pan will make good gravy. Bacon or Sausage grease is best, but regular vegetable oil will be fine. Although I use Olive Oil for a lot of things, gravy is not one of them.

We use to have hoecake and gravy for breakfast. This is the only gravy I know how to prepare and I use this recipe whether I'm making gravy for breakfast or dinner. For dinner it is especially  good with a fried entree like pork chops or fried chicken. When this is the case, always use the grease that you used to fry the meat. Leave the droppings, crunchies or whatever you want to call them, in the pan.


1/8 cup of oil
1/2 cup self rising flour
2 cups water or a combination (1 cup each) of water and evaporated milk
Salt and Pepper

Heat the oil on high and stir the flour in slowly. Stir the concoction until it is a paste. Slightly brown the mixture. Stir in the water. Keep stirring until the gravy is in a rapid boil. Now keep stirring until the lumps dissolve. Turn down to medium and add season. Keep stirring until you have a nice consistency. This whole process should take no longer than 10 minutes. This should be enough gravy for about four people.

As I say, I don't measure anything. I've been cooking so long I don't need to. The measurements are not precise however, they are pretty close. This recipe gives you some leeway to experiment on your own. These are the ingredients, you just have to put your own twist (technique) on the recipe. If it doesn't work the first time, keep trying until it does. You will finally serve gravy to someone that will want to go home and slap their Momma cause your gravy was so good.

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